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Why Traditional Office Visits Don't Work Anymore

Don’t get me wrong, traditional medical office visits still work, we still need them. However, in order to accommodate the changes in patient needs, cost of medical visits, physician burnout among others, we need systems that can better cater to both physician and patient needs.

This is where group visits come in. Group visits or shared medical visits have been in existence for many decades. More recently we see the need for virtual group visits.

This has multiple benefits to the patients and health professionals. Physicians desire to see patients be more active in their health journey, they have questions, and they want increased access to physicians.

In a research article by BMC Family Practice the qualitative and quantitative results suggest that group visits strength is in its ability to empower patients and engage them as active participants in their own health.

The patients also showed a preference for the empowering tone used to address them in the groups over a didactic style.

The nature of traditional health visits offer opportunities for less engagement with physicians or other health professionals for various reasons. This can often limit the extent to which a patient can be helped and satisfied.

Virtual group visits, offer patients a chance to meet with their physician for a longer period of time, learn from other patients dealing with similar issues and ask questions. The research article by BMC Family practice also showed that a sense of community was a major benefit patients highlighted of group visits.

This also creates a virtual accountability system that encourages patients to follow the instructions and recommendations of physicians. They can also share updates and then receive answers to new concerns. Studies have shown that patients are more satisficed with the quality of care received in group visits over the individual care models.

Physicians have also reported improved satisfaction with the care provided and time efficiency with group visits. In these visits, the physician can meet with over 10 patients in a 60 -90 minutes time frame where they may have seen half that number of patients. They are better able to explain detailed concepts to many patients at once. It is more cost effective, reduces physician burnout and improves results of patients.

Patients find accountability in these group visits. This directly improves health outcomes. Research has shown that those in group visits have reduced emergency room visits and show more progressive results.

Here is a summary of some benefits of group visits over traditional office visits:

  • Longer patient time and satisfaction with physicians

  • Improved physician satisfaction with care given

  • Improved patients participation in their health

  • Time efficiency for physicians

This is the new way. Supplementing traditional office visits with virtual group visits.

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